Author:Sophie Kinsella
Narrated:Rosalyn Landor
Period:May 10
Category:Chick lit
Time:15 hours 5 mins
Can't-sleep-degree: ☆☆☆☆☆
Total recommends:★☆☆☆☆
Period:May 10
Category:Chick lit
Time:15 hours 5 mins
Can't-sleep-degree: ☆☆☆☆☆
Total recommends:★☆☆☆☆
四月下旬~五月初閱讀出現瓶頸。即便是閱讀 Chick Lit 類別的小說,放棄嚥不下的 Eclipse,接著就是這本 Sophie Kinsella 的 Twenties Girl。前兩個月開始忙碌的工作,改變閱讀口味。從重口味的犯罪、推理、懸疑小說,到都會喜劇羅曼史……竟然也讓我遇到瓶頸。差不多看完所有Sophie Kinsella 的書,一貫"silly & all the same, but good for a laugh" 的寫作風格,讓我追著書單可以很放鬆的閱讀。不過,這本在很有限的故事情節下拉扯太長、笑點很少,整個內容有稀釋過度的感覺。主角分別為一事無成的外祖甥女Lara Lington 和她素昧平生105歲great-aunt Sadie Lancaster的魂魄,在Sadie喪禮上相遇,然後Lara幫Sadie尋找蜻蜓項鍊的遺願。還剩下最後三個小時的故事,不曉得有沒有辦法繼續下去,累… 14日聽完最後三小時,唉……就是這樣圓滿大結局阿~不虧是 Sophie Kinsella 的風格。
“I'm allergic to family occasions. Sometimes I think we'd do better as dandelion seeds-no family, no history, just floating off into the world, each on our own piece of fluff.”
“Life takes us on different paths... It's not up to us to evaluate or judge them, merely respect and embrace them. (Lara Lington - to Sadie Lancaster)”
“Life is like an escalator. You see, it carries you on regardless. And you might as well enjoy the view and seize every opportunity while you're passing. Otherwise, it'll be too late.”