When one falls, another brings him home.


Taking Chance(護送錢斯)由真實故事改編,劇本改自 Michael Strobl 中校自願護送年僅19歲在伊拉克陣亡的 Chance Phelps 遺體回家這一路上的記事日記(Michael Strobl 的原稿)。

七十七分鐘線型流動的畫面,在不斷移動的狀態從Virginia、Delaware、Pennsylvania、Minnesota、Montana 到終點站Chance的家鄉Wyoming。這護送的過程,一路上所遇到的過客發現原委後,默默地以不同的方式表達對陣亡將士的敬意與對家屬的哀悼。

Taking Chance 讓我領悟到所謂儀式存在的意義,尤其是喪禮。


在喪禮儀式前 Michael Strobl 中校和當地老頭的這段對話,終於解開心裡疑惑很久的問題。
You've brought Chance home.
You're his witness now.
Without a witness, they just disappear.
在世俗過度包裝的繁文縟節儀式下,幾乎要遺忘逝者已矣來者可追那發自內心最真誠的道理。故事接近尾聲,隨著鏡頭流動的畫面停格靜止在 Phelps 家的信箱
I felt that as long as he was still moving, he was somehow still alive.
When they put him down in his grave, he'd stopped moving.
I didn't know Chance Phelps before he died... but today I miss him." 

*First, I want you all to know that all along the way, Chance was treated with dignity and respect and honor.
*I want you to know you do not mourn alone today. All across America, from Virginia to Delaware, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, people are thinking of you and praying for you.
*You should know that Chance has touched many people.
*"...please know that he died a hero, but more importantly, he lived a hero.


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