
目前分類:[Audiobook] (10)

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 paper1   paperWhat a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person.


That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfeast cereals based on color instead of taste.


I'm not saying that everything is survivable. Just that everything except the last thing is.


The town was paper, but the memories were not.

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Author:Sophie Kinsella
Narrated:Rosalyn Landor
Period:May 10
Category:Chick lit
Time:15 hours 5 mins 

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聽完所有Sophie Kinsella 的有聲書後,一直想找另一個主題系列的故事。

鏘鏘!Twilight 系列~

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Author:Sophie Kinsella
Period:February 24~26
Category:Chick lit
Time:12 hours 5 mins 


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Author:S J Watson
Period:February 7th~12th
Pages:384 pages 


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[Length:6 hrs and 24 mins] (UNABRIDGED)
Narrated by Debra WisemanJoel Johnstone

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公告:↓ 這網站已經設定不共享,真可惜

BBC 2006年Afternoon Play 的 廣播劇。

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  1. Confessions of a Shopaholic [Length: 11 hours and 44 min. Narrator: Emily Gray★★☆   
  2. Shopaholic takes Manhattan [Length: 12 hours and 31 min. Narrator: Emily Gray★★☆ 
  3. Shopaholic Ties The Knot [Length: 14 hours and 21 min. Narrator: Emily Gray★★☆  
  4. Shopaholic and Sister [Length: 12 hours and 34 min. Narrator: Emily Gray★★
  5. Shopaholic and Baby [Length: 13 hours and 10 min. Narrator: Emily Gray★☆  

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Room: A Novel
[Length:10 hrs and 52 mins] (UNABRIDGED)
by Emma Donoghue
Narrated by Michal Friedman , Ellen Archer , Robert Petkoff , Suzanne Toren

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如果是中文版的購物狂,我可能看完會覺得被騙了(雖然沒看過中文版)。怎麼說呢,因為這類型都會女性輕小說」(chick lit)不是我所偏好的,但我能想像會成為暢銷書的原因。輕鬆詼諧、手法重複、沒有內容,笑一笑沒負擔地閱讀,看完闔上書本不會有很沉悶的複雜情緒。很適合忙碌的上班族和職業婦女,拋開整天煩人的瑣事。畢竟,累了一天,心情想放鬆腦袋想放空時,實在很不適合看《莎拉的鑰匙》或是《Winter's Bone》這類讀完令人心情沉悶的書。

去年看電視重播《Confessions of a Shopaholic》,上個月在圖書館發現才又想起來。電影版男女主角選角選得挺搭。整個閱讀過程中,一直不斷想起女主角「沒買到會死」、「一直不斷說謊圓謊」的表情。電影劇情的發展和小說不太一樣。(先不爆雷,想放鬆又可以看華麗的服裝表演的好選擇)

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